Note: This Agenda Blog is only an approximate plan of the weekly lesson plans. Changes can and will be made due to unanticipated circumstances and in order to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Monday – Monopolies. Class will discuss and review using textbook pages 147 to 154 as a baseline. Students will answer teacher directed questions. (Absent students should read pages 147 to 154, define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer assessment questions on page 154.)
Tuesday – Monopolies (Continued). Class will discuss and review using textbook pages 147 to 154 as a baseline. Students will answer teacher directed questions. (Absent students should read pages 147 to 154, define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer assessment questions on page 154.)
Wednesday – Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly. Class will discuss using textbook pages 155 to 161 as a baseline. Students will answer teacher directed questions. (Absent students should read pages 155 to 161, define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer assessment questions on page 161.)
Thursday – NO SCHOOL
Friday – NO SCHOOL
English Honors
Monday – Class will read the Iliad (textbook pages 67 to 80). Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Tuesday – Class will continue to read the Iliad (textbook pages 67 to 80). Students will answer teacher-directed questions.
Wednesday – Students will complete Thinking Through Literature questions on page 81.
Thursday – NO SCHOOL
Friday – NO SCHOOL
8th Grade American History
Monday – Colonial Society. Class will discuss and answer teacher-directed questions using pages 107 through 112 as a baseline. (Absent students will define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer check your progress questions 1 through 4 on page 112.)
Tuesday – Colonial Society (Continued). Class will discuss and answer teacher-directed questions using pages 107 through 112 as a baseline. (Absent students will define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer check your progress questions 1 through 4 on page 112.)
Wednesday – Slavery in the Colonies. Class will discuss and answer teacher-directed questions using pages 113 through 117 as a baseline. (Absent students will define all terms, answer checkpoint questions, and answer check your progress questions 1 through 6 on page 117.)
Thursday – NO SCHOOL
Friday – NO SCHOOL
Monday – Students will perform their dialogues in front of the class.
Tuesday – Improvisation Activity.
Wednesday – NO CLASS
Thursday – NO SCHOOL
Friday – NO SCHOOL