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Agenda for Aug 12 - 16, 2024

History 8

Mon Aug 12 

Introductions and discuss class rules

Textbook pp. vii - xi Table of Contents

Textbook pp. 1-2 Preview of Unit 1

Textbook pp. 3-4 Preview Chapter 1

Workbook p. 1

Tues Aug 13

Video: The First Americans (Explanation)

Textbook pp. 6-9 Ch 1 Sec 1 The Earliest Americans

Wed Aug 14

Video: Land Bridge Theory vs Coastal Route Theory 

Workbook pp. 2-4 Ch 1 Sec 1 The Earliest Americans 

Thurs Aug 15

Textbook pp. 10-11 Ch 1 Sec 2 Cultures of North America

Video: 5 Native American Tribes of North America / Textbook p. 13 map

Textbook pp. 12-15 Ch 1 Sec 2 Cultures of North America (cont'd)

Fri Aug 16

Workbook pp. 5-7 Ch 1 Sec 2 Cultures of North America

Discuss / Assess / Reteach / Review

Math 8 (Pre-Algebra)

Mon Aug 12 

Introductions and discuss class rules

Textbook pp. v - xi Table of Contents

Textbook pp. xv - xvi Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Self-reflection 

Discuss / Review prior knowledge 

Tues Aug 13

Textbook pp. 1-6 Module 1 Exponents and Scientific Notation and Planetary Puzzler Activity 

Wed Aug 14 - Thurs Aug 15

Negative Exponents: Lesson 1-1 (2 days)

Textbook pp. 7-10 whole-class instruction; 

Textbook pp. 11-12 Paired / Small Group Practice

Fri Aug 16

Textbook pp. 13-14 Individual and assisted practice;

Assess understanding / Reteach

Geometry 9/10

Mon Aug 12 

Introductions and discuss class rules

Textbook pp. vi - xi Table of Contents

Textbook pp. xv - xvi Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Self-reflection 

Textbook pp. xvii - xviii Mathematical Modeling

Discuss / Review prior knowledge 

Tues Aug 13

Textbook pp. 1-4 Module 1 Geometric Reasoning

Wed Aug 14

Points, Lines, and Planes: Lesson 1-1

Textbook pp. 5-10 whole-class instruction; 

Textbook pp. 11-14 Paired / Small Group Practice

Thurs Aug 15

Line Segments: Lesson 1-2

Textbook pp. 15-18 whole-class instruction;

Textbook pp. 19-22 Paired / Small Group Practice

Fri Aug 16

Assess understanding / Reteach (Lessons 1-1 and 1-2)

Learning Strategies 

Mon Aug 12

Introductions and discuss class rules

Interest Inventory

Strengths / Weaknesses Inventory (based on your opinions)

Intro to SEL and Learning Strategies 

What is SEL? (a developmental process that helps people learn skills to support healthy relationships and development)

What is a learning strategy? (the way a learner plans, executes, and evaluates his/her own performance on a learning task)


Tues Aug 13 - Fri Aug 16

Make Connections / Creating a Supportive Learning Community 

What Social-Emotional Learning is and Why it is Important for Students

The Five Main Components of Social-Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness, Self-Management,  Social-Awareness, Responsible Decision-Making; and Relationship Skills


*Possible changes may be made if time runs short (or long)

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