6th Grade World History
Monday: Ch. 10.2 The Government of the Republic Cont’d
Tuesday: Ch.10.3 Roman Society
Wednesday: Math: Progress Monitoring Test 2
Thursday: Nutcracker Field Trip at The Phillips Center
Friday: Making Gingerbread Houses!!
6th Grade Earth Science
Monday:Ch.10.3 Water Underground Cont’d
Tuesday: Ch.10.4 Exploring the Ocean
Wednesday: ELA: Progress Monitoring Test 2
Thursday: Nutcracker Field Trip at The Phillips Center
Friday: Making Gingerbread Houses!!
6th Grade Reading
Monday:Craft and Structure in Literature
Tuesday: Determining Word Meaning: Figurative and Connotative
Wednesday: ELA: Progress Monitoring Test 2
Thursday: Nutcracker Field Trip at The Phillips Center
Friday: Making Gingerbread Houses!!