Science and History Homework is Due Thursday, February 6th, The same day we take our Ch 12 Science and History Test!
6th Grade World History
Monday: Ch.12.3 Cont’d Hinduism
Tuesday: Ch.12.4 Buddhism
Wednesday: Ch.12 Test Review
Thursday: Ch. 12 Test/HW Due
Friday: Field Trip: Ladybug Performance at the Phillips Center
6th Grade Earth Science
Monday: Ch 12.4 Air Masses
Tuesday: Ch.12.5 Storms
Wednesday:Ch. 12.6 Predicting the Weather
Thursday: Ch. 12 Test/HW Due
Friday: Field Trip: Ladybug Performance at the Phillips Center
6th Grade ELA
Monday:Evaluating an Argument
Tuesday: What is a “Claim”?
Wednesday: Identifying reasons and evidence for an author’s claim.
Thursday: Reading Test: Evaluating an Argument
Friday: Field Trip: Ladybug Performance at the Phillips Center