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Week 7 – Are We There Yet? (NO!)

It seems like we’ve been back in school for months, but the truth is its only been six weeks. This means there are still three weeks left before the end of first quarter and the first set of grades.


Monday – Students will complete an activity in which they create a pretend monthly budget based on a monthly income.

Tuesday – Unit 2 Test, Part 2

Wednesday - “Fundamentals of Demand,” (pages 78 – 82)

Thursday – “Shifts in Demand,” (pages 83 – 87)

Friday – “Elasticity of Demand,” (pages 88 – 93)

World History

Monday – Students use notes to quietly study for test.

Tuesday – Test on Ancient Empires, Early, Greece, Sparta, and Athens

Wednesday – The Persian Wars & The Age of Pericles (Pages 121 – 124)

Thursday – The Peloponnesian War (Pages 124 & 125)

Friday – Guest Lecture “September 11 and National Security”

American History

Monday – Students use guided reading notes to quietly study for test.

Tuesday – Test on “Early English Exploration” and the “13 Colonies.”

Wednesday – “Governing the Colonies,” (pages 102 – 106)

Thursday – “Colonial Society,” (pages 107 – 112)

Friday – Guest Lecture “The Importance of Self-Discipline”


Monday – Students will be handed a work packet titled “Citing Evidence to Make Inferences.” Students will work quietly on the packet. Students should finish and be prepared to discuss packet before the next class day.

HW: Students should finish packet “Citing Evidence to Make Inferences” and be prepared to discuss the packet in class the next day.

Tuesday – Class will review the packet “Citing Evidence to Make Inferences.” Students will turn in at the end of the period.

Wednesday – Class will begin reading “The Treasure of Lemon Brown,” (pages 94 – 101)

Thursday – Class will finish reading “The Treasure of Lemon Brown,” (pages 94 – 101)

Friday – Students will answer Making Meaning Questions on page 103 for “The Treasure of Lemon Brown.”

HW: If students do not finish Making Meaning Questions in class, they should turn in at the beginning of class on Monday.

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