WEEK OF APRIL 29, 2024
WED Afternoon: Awards presentation for middle school.
THURS: Progress reports available on Skyward.
FRI: Gradventure for 8th grade.
Period 1: English HS: To Kill a Mockingbird (novel). We will be reading, discussing, and preparing summaries for Chapters 25-31 (last chapters) of To Kill a Mockingbird. These summaries will be the graded work for this week.
Period 2: Reading/Literature/Film. We will watch the movie The Outsiders, discuss it, and have a graded assignment related to the movie (handout).
Period 3: ELA 6th Grade. We will continue reading Out of My Mind, starting with Chapter 21. Some will be read aloud and discussed (participation graded) and some will be read individually, and chapter summaries done the same as the previous week (graded).
Period 4: Political Science. A current event presentation is due MONDAY. This week we continue working on the group play assignment (handout). Plays will be presented on Friday.
Period 5: STUDY HALL – 8th grade. This period is intended to offer additional time to complete assignments in all classes, absentee work, and afford help in 8th grade ELA. Come prepared to work and study. Grades are based upon dedication to study and behavior standards.
Period 6: Creative Writing (no class Wednesdays). Handout assignment due on Friday.