WEEK OF DECEMBER 4, 2023. **Subject to change
LATE WORK GRADED AS ZERO. If you have a valid excuse for being late, you MUST email me the night before and ask for an extension.
HW: If you don’t turn in your HW, you will write a 5-paragraph essay on “Why it is Harmful to Not Do My Homework.”
Period 1: English HS (If absent, see “Period 1” folder for handouts).
MON: Presentations (group – handout).
TUES: We will start unit on culture/racism with watching videos, discussion, and in-class group assignment.
TUES. HW: Write two sentences each for these words: exceptional (adjective), exceptionality (noun), exceptionally (adverb)
WED-THURS: Vocabulary work for short story “Rules of the Game” by Tan.
FRI: Vocabulary Quiz – begin reading “Rules of the Game” by Tan.
Period 2: Reading/Literature/Film (IF ABSENT, see the “period 2” folder for makeup work).
MON-TUES: Presentation work on African Country (group work – handout).
WED: Presentations of African Country.
WED HW: Write two sentences each for these verbs: gravitate, salivate, imitate.
THURS-FRI: Read “Civil Peace.” Participation graded.
Period 3: ELA 6th Grade (IF ABSENT, see the “period 3” folder for makeup work).
This week, we will continue working with the short story, “Charles,” by Shirley Jackson.
MON: Reading and discussion of “Charles.”
TUES: Continued reading and discussion of “Charles.”
WED: Group Comprehension Questions for “Charles.”
WED HW: Write two sentences for each of these words: absent, accent, ascent.
THURS-FRI: Comprehension Questions from the story (group) (handout).
Period 4: Ethics (IF ABSENT, see “period 4” folder for makeup work.)
MON-TUES: Continue individual presentations.
WED-FRI: We will begin the topic of Slavery Reparations and the ethical issues on all sides of the discussion and an assignment will be made related to the topic.
Period 5: STUDY HALL – 8th grade
This period is intended to offer additional time to complete assignments in all classes, absentee work, and afford help in 8th grade ELA. Come prepared to work and study. Grades are based upon dedication to study and behavior standards.
Period 6: Speech and Debate (no class Wednesdays)
Next debate topic to work on TBD after vote.