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Week of Jan 4, 5 & 6, 2023


WEEK OF Jan. 4, 5, & 6, 2023 **Subject to change

Period 1: English 9/10

WED - FRI: Read “Christmas at Red Butte” and do Midterm project – “A Day in the Life of . . .” Due Friday at end of the day – NO LATE TURN IN AS THIS IS YOUR MIDTERM GRADE.

Period 2: ELA 6

WED: Group Vocabulary – see written assignment

THURS-FRI: Text, p. 115-116 discussion (poetry), read poem Text p. 117-118, assessment (chart, p. 115), assessment p. 119, discuss pg. 120.

Weekend HW due MON Jan 9: Write an inspirational poem using repetition or alliteration about a challenge and how to handle it. You might include how to handle difficult thoughts, emotions, or behaviors.

Period 3: Literacy

WED-FRI. Holes work continued – see written assignments.

Period 4: English 11/12

WED: Assign mid-term essay.

THURS: Midterm essay due by end of school day. NO late work – this is your midterm grade.

FRI: Assign “The Pedestrian” PowerPoint presentation. Present Monday, Jan 9.

Period 5: ELA 7

WED: VOCABULARY: Burden, interaction, reliable, warehouse, water (n), water (v), steer (n), steer (v), gift (n), gift (v), clear (adj), clear (v).

THURS-FRI: Assign story assignment. Prepare plot diagram and character and setting description words list. DUE FRI.

Period 6: Law (no class Wednesdays)

THURS-FRI.DUE MON. Assign advertising project. Research advertising laws related to your original business. Make a list of them and the URLs that you used to determine the relevant laws.Prepare a logo and advertisement for your business and turn that in with the list.

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