***Please check this regularly throughout the week as I update/change things as we move forward****
Refer to the corresponding Google Classroom for more details!
Late work will be graded as a ZERO/missing until you submit the work. If you have an excused absence, you are responsible for bringing the homework you missed the day you return to school (follow this Agenda blog). Email me if you have any questions about the work.
Late work will now be given a reduced grade if completed and labeled properly!!
1st Period: Geometry Google Classroom code: pzel37o Monday: Unit 6 Test
--> EC (take notes on EOC video) up to a test grade depending on note quality and quantity
Tuesday: Parts of Circle and Circle Formula Quiz // Check Extra Credit (proof of studying for EOC - ex: notes on videos, practice problems with work shown, etc.) --> Up to a test grade depending on quantity and quality of EC
Wednesday: Geometry Review Packet #5 (Quadrilaterals/ Transformations/ symmetry)
Thursday: Test Taking Tips // Last minute EOC dump
Friday: Geometry EOC
2nd Period: Biology Google Classroom code: 67srerz
Monday: Biology Review EC Check-in // Mitosis & Meiosis EOC Review
--> EC: (Day 1-5 notes) Due next week Monday
Tuesday: Blooket / Matching Review Game
Wednesday: Review Sticky notes // Check Extra Credit (proof of studying for EOC - ex: notes on videos, practice problems with work shown, etc.) --> Up to a test grade depending on quantity and quality of EC
Thursday: Practice EOC Quiz
Friday: Review EOC Test questions // Test Taking Strategy
Next week Monday: Mock Biology EOC
3rd Period: Algebra I
Monday: Finish Quadratic Function packet
--> Due Wednesday: Best Weekly Practice 8
Tuesday: Quadratic Formula Lecture // practice
--> Due Thursday: rest of Quadratic Formula Practice Questions
Wednesday: Test Taking Strategy// Practice
Thursday: Practice EOC Quiz
--> Due Monday 5/13/24: EOC practice packet (Wk 1,2,4)
Friday: More EOC Reviewsss
*** Videos to help with homework (click for video):
Google docs of all videos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QKQqSab-DAUpWTqpl3yvax_w-1s_nu4d7GEJUf0h0Vo/edit?usp=sharing
Extra CREDIT: Go to the online textbook and complete the online review assignments. You will have 3 attempts and will get explanations for the answers. Great practice for the EOC!!!
4th Period: Personal Finance Google Classroom code: j6vbxyc
Monday: Stocks showdown
Tuesday: Stocks Research
Wednesday: Present Stocks research
Thursday: Roth IRA
Friday: Investments step-by-step
5th Period: Forensics Google Classroom code: y32x65m Monday: Forensics catch up
Tuesday: Catching Killers Fingerprints
Wednesday: Fingerprints lecture
Thursday: Fingerprints activity
Friday: Discussion
7th Period: Research Monday: ALEKS // algebra review
Tuesday: ALEKS // geometry review
Wednesday: No Class
Thursday: ALEKS // Review
Friday: ALEKS // Review