WEEK OF NOVEMBER 13, 2023. **Subject to change
LATE WORK WILL BE GRADED AS ZERO. BE RESPONSIBLE. If you have a valid excuse for not turning something in, you MUST email me the night before and ask for an extension.
NOVEMBER 16, 2023 – Thanksgiving Lunch 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Period 1: English HS (If absent, see “Period 1” folder for handouts).
MON: Complete Comprehension Questions given out Friday (handout).
TUES: Research assignment “Honor Killings” (handout). Turn in first thing Wednesday morning to the clipboard.
WED-THURS: Work on “An Arranged Marriage” short story vocabulary (handout). THURS HW: Write 2 sentences each, using these words: (1) Gradually, (2) Fundamentally, (3) Sarcastically and turn in first thing Thursday morning to the clipboard. If it is not turned in then, it will be graded a ZERO.
FRI: Vocabulary Quiz and discussion about Indian culture.
Period 2: Reading/Literature/Film (IF ABSENT, see the “period 2” folder for makeup work).
MON: We will watch the short film for “The Night the Ghost Got In” and discuss comparisons.
TUES – FRI: Ghost story assignment and plot diagram (handout). Turn in Friday before the end of the school day or it will be graded as ZERO.
Period 3: ELA 6th Grade (IF ABSENT, see the “period 3” folder for makeup work).
MON: Textbook, reading pp. 19-26; assessment p. 27. HW: Write two sentences each for the following three adjectives (savvy, punctual, marvelous). If HW not turned in Tuesday at the beginning of class, it will be graded as ZERO.
TUES: MODIFIED AFTER MONDAY: Begin working on the 5-paragraph essay about either the best things about the Thanksgiving meal or your favorite meal if you don't celebrate. Required to hand in by Friday end of school day: Graphic Organizer (handout given), draft with edits, final essay and Checklist (handout given).
WED HW: Write two sentences each for the following three words (6 sentences total): 1. Fake (adjective), 2. Fake (verb), 3. Sake (noun). If HW not turned in Thursday at the beginning of class, it will be graded as ZERO.
WED-FRI: Work on and complete the essay. Due at the end of the school day on Friday OR IT WILL BE A ZERO GRADE.
Period 4: Ethics (IF ABSENT, see “period 4” folder for makeup work.)
MON-FRI: Individual assignment/presentation (handout). You will have the school week and evenings if needed, to work on it. These will be presented the week after the Thanksgiving holiday. Grading this week will be your participation/work ethic during class time.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT, see “period 4” folder for makeup work.
Period 5: STUDY HALL – 8th grade
This period is intended to offer additional time to complete assignments in all classes, absentee work, and afford help in 8th grade ELA. Come prepared to work and study. Grades are based upon dedication to study and behavior standards.
Period 6: Speech and Debate (no class Wednesdays)
Mon, Tues., Thurs.Work on a speech of your choice to be presented the week after Thanksgiving holiday.The speech can be any type, but you MUST have research.Try for at least 3 minutes.