6th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling and definitions) and Writing a Narrative Poem (p. 42)
Tuesday: Telling a Story, pages 45-47
Wednesday: Introduction to Reporting the News, Chapter 2
Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling and definitions)
7th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling and definitions)
Tuesday: Descriptive Poem, "Haiku" p.43
Wednesday: Examining News, pages 44-47
Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling an definitions)
8th grade:
Monday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling and definitions)
Tuesday: A Descriptive Essay about an Important Place, page 41
Wednesday: Telling a True Story, Pages 44-47
Thursday: Vocabulary Quiz (Spelling and definitions)
9th/10th grades:
Monday: Personal Narratives, pages 52-61
Tuesday: Compare different Narratives
Wednesday: Presenting and Evaluating Oral Narratives, page 81
Thursday: Write your own Personal Narrative.
11th/12th grades:
Monday Greek Mythology Introduction
Tuesday: Study how Mythology has impacted the Western World over the centuries.
Wednesday: Homer's "The Iliad," pages 66-83
Thursday: Conclusion of "The Iliad."