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Welcome Back Students & Parents!

I am looking forward to a purposeful and productive 2019-2020 school year. Coming back to school is an adjustment for all involved (students, parents, & staff.) My hope is that we can hit the ground running. I will be teaching Social Studies (American History, World History, & Economics), which is what I taught before joining Micanopy Academy last year. I will also be teaching 8th Grade Reading. I sincerely hope that I can help instill a love of learning, reading, and exploring the past in your child.

Teaching is more of an art than an exact science. This applies to lesson planning. I try my best to be flexible and responsive to the needs of my students. This means I often have to adjust the lesson plan as the week progresses. So while these agendas serve as the game plan for the week, they are not written in stone and adjustments will often have to be made.

Best wishes to both students and parents. Here's to a great 2019-2020 school year. Let's get started!

Monday 8/12

Economics - Review Syllabus, Student Handbook, & Class Rules. Assign Text Books (If Time Permits).

World History - Review Syllabus, Student Handbook, & Class Rules. Assign Text Books (If Time Permits).

American History - Review Syllabus, Student Handbook, & Class Rules. Assign Text Books (If Time Permits).

Reading - Review Syllabus, Student Handbook, & Class Rules. Assign Text Books (If Time Permits).

Tuesday 8/13

Economics - PowerPoint (Fundamentals of Economics). Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint Presentation.

World History - Activity (Why We Learn World History). Begin PowerPoint (Origins of Humanity.) Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint Presentation.

American History - Activity (Why We Learn American History). Begin PowerPoint (Pre-Columbian America.) Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint Presentation.

Reading - Class will work together on Lesson 1: Analyzing the Development of a Central Idea (pages 3 through 8) in the LAFS Book, which is the workbook for our Reading course.

Wednesday 8/14

Economics - Students will individually read pages 4 through 8 in the textbook and answer assessment questions on page 8. Class will review afterwards.

World History - Continue PowerPoint (Origins of Humanity.) Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint Presentation.

American History - Continue PowerPoint (Pre-Columbian America.) Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint Presentation.

Reading - Class will complete Lesson 1: Analyzing the Development of a Central Idea (pages 3 through 8) in the LAFS Book.

Thursday 8/15

Economics - Class will read (together) pages 9 through 12 in the textbook. Teacher will frequently stop reading to review concepts and ask comprehension questions. Students will individually answer assessment questions on page 12.

World History - Class will explore the timeline on pages 4 through 5 of the textbook. Students will individually read pages 6 through 8 in the textbook and answer the assessment questions on the bottom of page 8.

American History - Class will examine the map on pages 4 & 5 in the textbook. Students will individually read pages 6 through 9 in the textbook and answer the assessment questions on the bottom of page 9.

Reading - As a class, complete pre-reading activities for "Raymond's Run" on page 2 in the textbook. As a class, begin reading "Raymond's Run" (pages 3 through 9.) Teacher will frequently stop reading to ask comprehension questions. Students will answer some of the questions verbally and some by writing the answers in their notebooks.

Friday 8/16

Economics - Class will read (together) pages 13 through 16 in the textbook. Teacher will frequently stop reading to review concepts and ask comprehension questions. Students will individually answer assessment questions on page 16.

World History - Begin PowerPoint (The Stone Age.) Students will take notes, answer questions, and complete activities connected to PowerPoint

American History - Students will individually read pages 10 through 15 in the textbook and answer the assessment questions on the bottom of page 15.

Reading - As a class, finish reading "Raymond's Run" (pages 3 through 9.) Students will answer some of the questions verbally and some by writing the answers in their notebooks. Students will individually answer Making Meaning questions on page 12.

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