Growing Minds, Hearts & Futures
We are a tuition-free public charter school for grades 6 - 12!
Board of Directors
Frank Williams, President (
​Nancy Brown, Treasurer (​
Bee Huff (
​​Meetings are held on the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm in the MA Lunchroom. Dates are posted on the bulletin board in the front office and on this page. Special Meetings may take place 24 hours after the posting.
Applications for the Board are available in the front office or can be accessed through the link on the right. MA seeks members who can write grants, support the school and staff, enforce state and school policy, oversee the yearly budget, and help with fundraisers and events at the school. The public is welcome to apply for the Board at any time. As openings become available, applications will be reviewed.
Final Audits Budgets Documents
The next board meeting is Tuesday, April 15th at 5:30 in the MA Cafeteria.
For anyone interested in serving the school as a board member, we have two open positions. The application can be found at the following link. Thank you for your interest! School Board Application
School Board
Meeting Minutes
Click on a date below to access the Minutes from School Board meetings:​